Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Guardsman Pass Lakes

There are two really pretty lakes a hikes distance from the Guardsman Pass overlook.  The first is Bloods Lake.  Don't let the name fool you, this is a beautiful alpine lake and an easy half mile hike from the parking area at the top of Guardsman Pass.  The trail begins to your right and heads down.  You will lose elevation to this lake, but of course you must climb back up.
Bloods Lake

The second lake and my destination for the week is called Lackawaxen Lake.  This lake sits below the east face of Clayton Peak.  It is hidden behind a giant boulder field, secluded yet easy to access if you know the trail.  I'll do my best to explain, but better to get the GPS coordinates or a map for this one.  The distance is 2.5 miles roundtrip.  From the east side of Bloods Lake climb up over the ridge, you will see a faint trail.  Once on top of the ridge you will find a better trail following power poles.  This is the right trail and will take you in the direction of Clayton Peak.  It is steep in some parts along the way, but not too bad.  You will come to an open meadow and from there you see the beginnings of the boulder field in the distance with the lake just beyond.  Like I said you might want to take a GPS with coordinates because you won't believe there is a lake anywhere near.  But trust me it's there and it is beautiful!

Lackawaxen Lake

Along the Trail

Following the boys.  I usually bring up the rear!
Meadow was covered with buttercups.

Weird looking roots covering the rock.

Today we hiked a loop which took us back towards peak 10,420.  Some hike 10,420 and then down to Lackawaxen Lake.  Either way it's a nice hike!
Someone abandoned their snowshoes.
Looking back towards Clayton Peak in the distance and 10,420 on the left.

"For myself I hold no preferences
among flowers so long as they are
wild, free, spontaneous!" Ed Abbey 

 Wildflower of the Week

This is an Alpine Buttercup.  The meadows at timberline and above are covered with this beautiful bright wildflower soon after the snow has melted.


CraZy Hiker Chicks Top 10 Reasons to Hike

#10 Hiking is an excellent cure for boredom.

#9 Hiking will strengthen your legs.  You may even notice calf muscles.

#8 On hiking trails you meet the most friendly people.  And even friendlier dogs. 

#7 Winter hiking allows you to escape the inversion in the valley and breathe CLEAN, FRESH AIR! 

#6 Hiking relieves stress, worry and anxiety - GUARANTEED!

#5 If you are lucky you will see a variety of wildlife on your hike.  Keep your eyes open!  And look around!

#4 Hiking will improve balance, coordination and bone density because you are walking on very uneven surfaces.

#3  Hiking increases feelings of well-being and lowers depression. 

#2  Hiking gives a greater appreciation for the beauty of our natural world.

#1 Hike for the pure pleasure of it!  John Muir said it best "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."

Peaks Bagged

 1.  Grandeur Peak ♦♦ 8299

******Miles hiked tally     
beginning March 22, 2013


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