Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Emigration Canyon Miners Trail

I'm pleased to report another very successful new hiking trail experience -  Emigration Canyon Miners Trail!  This was my first time hiking in Emigration Canyon and I will definitely return.  To find the trailhead follow Emigration Canyon Road past Ruth's Diner (a great eatery!) until you come to the sign for Pinecrest Canyon Road (Emigration Canyon road makes a big hairpin turn at this point) about 7 miles up the canyon.  Turn left onto Pinecrest Canyon Road and drive another 1.7 miles until you reach the small parking area on the left side of the road marked by a large sign reading  Archery Hunting Only.  There is only enough space for 4 maybe 5 cars to park and the trail begins to the left of the sign passing through an old metal gate.  The trail then wraps around a couple of small hillsides before gradually climbing into Brigham Fork canyon.  This is the view looking toward Parleys Canyon.

We came upon a very pretty little waterfall made by spring snow melt and also a small field of plantain buttercups.   First wildflowers of spring!
 Have a listen to the sound of the water falling through the rocks.

Found a cute little fuzzy caterpillar hanging out at the waterfall.

Plantain Buttercups
With spring hiking you never know what the trail conditions will be. We had it all on our hike yesterday including dry stretches of trail, mud, small streams, mud and snow mix, ice and snow mix and deep snow.  Hiking boots are meant to get wet and muddy.  We also took along ice cleats, but no snowshoes.
Our destination was the ridgeline saddle with views down into Red Butte Canyon and the Salt Lake Valley.  We only made it to a small meadow before the snow became too deep (needed those snowshoes!) causing us to turn around and head back.  So close yet so far.  But now I have a reason to come back to Emigration Canyon and repeat this hike.

Beautiful grove of white pine!

Here is what the beginning of the trail looks like.

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And back by popular demand - Wildflower of the Week!

 Wildflower of the Week

These are Plantain Buttercups also called Meadow Buttercups.  These brilliant yellow wildflowers are treasures of early spring.  They love very moist areas and can be seen as soon as the snow begins to melt in the mountains.

"For myself I hold no preferences among flowers
so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous!"
Ed Abbey


******Miles hiked tally
beginning March 22, 2013
Beginning of this Blog


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