Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lake Mary Snowshoe

It was a glorious afternoon on the mountain Wednesday, March 19!
That is Lake Mary buried under all that snow with Mount Millicent towering in the back.  

Snowshoeing to Lake Mary on a crystal clear early spring day gives this classic summer hike a whole new feel.  The only little downside to this snowshoe hike is dodging the skiers and snowboarders on the way up.  After all we are on their turf - it is a ski resort.  But man oh man is it worth it once you reach the top!  
Doing moguls - snowshoe style!

Snow Rollers

Milly in our sights!

Lake Mary Dam

My good friend and hiking buddy.

We were not totally alone! A very ambitious skier!
A nice skier took our picture.
Pioneer Peak and Sunset Peak

Perfect spot for a snack.

More beauty!  We were surrounded!
One last photo before heading down!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

This week marks my one year anniversary of blogging about hiking.   I know why I love hiking, but I can't explain why I enjoy doing the blogSo I think I'll just keep at it until I get bored with writing and taking pictures - Maybe at some point in the far future I'll give up hiking (maybe in my 90s).  Who knows??

******Miles hiked tally
beginning March 22, 2013
Beginning of this Blog


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