Grandeur Peak
8299 Feet
The mountain was so lush and green after the rain this week.
Looking down on Salt Lake City with Antelope Island and the Great Salt Lake in the distance.
Looking at the north face of Mount Olympus.
You can also see Parley's Canyon and Mountain Dell reservoir towards the northeast.
More of the journey to the top!
"For myself I hold no preferences
among flowers so long as they are
wild, free, spontaneous!" Ed Abbey
Wildflower of the Week
This bright wildflower covering the hillside of Grandeur Peak is a Western Larkspur. It is very pretty, but is poisonous to livestock. My dad taught me about Larkspur many years ago.
CraZy Hiker Chicks Top 10 Reasons to Hike
#10 Hiking is an excellent cure for boredom.
#9 Hiking will strengthen your legs. You may even notice calf muscles.
#8 On hiking trails you meet the most friendly people. And even friendlier dogs.
#7 Winter hiking allows you to escape the inversion in the valley and breathe CLEAN, FRESH AIR!
#6 Hiking relieves stress, worry and anxiety - GUARANTEED!
#5 If you are lucky you will see a variety of wildlife on your hike. Keep your eyes open! And look around!
#4 Hiking will improve balance, coordination and bone density because you are walking on very uneven surfaces.
#3 Hiking increases feelings of well-being and lowers depression.
#2 Hiking gives a greater appreciation for the beauty of our natural world.
#1 Hike for the pure pleasure of it! John Muir said it best "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
Peaks Bagged
1. Grandeur Peak ♦♦ 8299
******Miles hiked tally
beginning March 22, 2013