Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reynolds Peak

High on the mountain top!
Summer is already half over and I finally just climbed my second mountain peak of the year.  Reynolds Peak elevation 9422 feet! (BIG HIGH FIVE!)  We started our climb at the top of Millcreek Canyon on the Big Water Trail towards Dog Lake.  The Big Water Trail begins at the Southwest corner of the upper parking area.  It is a nice gradual trail with many switchbacks and a couple of stream crossings.  Big Water and Little Water trails are extremely popular mountain bike trails and mountain bikes are allowed on the trails on even numbered days.  We hiked on July 10 so we had to dodge several bikes. (I'm sure the bikers are equally annoyed to have to share the trail with hikers) Dogs are allowed in Millcreek Canyon and must be on leash on even numbered days, but no leash is required on odd days.   The trail to Dog Lake is well established and easy to follow, but the trail to Reynolds Peak was a little confusing.  We came to this junction and followed the Mt Olympus Wilderness trail. OOPS!  It was a major trail, but the wrong way.  So when you reach this sign continue a few hundred feet towards Dog Lake and you will find the trail again on your right to the summit of Reynolds Peak. We did discover the the Mt. Olympus Wilderness leads to trails for Butler Fork and Mill D in Big Cottonwood Canyon.  It would be interesting to hike from one canyon to the next but be sure to have a car waiting.

Reynolds Peak


The hike to Reynolds Peak took a total of 3 and 1/2 hours.  It was 5.5 miles with an elevation gain of 1822 feet.
We have our goal in sight!  At the top you are surrounded by mountain peaks in all directions.  To the east and south is Clayton Peak, American Fork Twin Peaks, Devils Castle and Kessler Peak.  To the west and north is Dromedary, Broads Fork Twin Peaks, Mt. Raymond and Gobblers Knob.  It is simply incredible!  And the wildflowers were gorgeous!

At the very top you will find a makeshift mail box.
  More photos!

The only downside to our hike yesterday was the bugs! They were bad!!  And they were biting flys more than mosquitos.  I have been using "Burt's Bees" all natural herbal insect repellent but it did not deter the pesky flys.  I guess it is time to try a new product.


"For myself I hold no preferences
among flowers so long as they are
wild, free, spontaneous!" Ed Abbey 

 Wildflower of the Week

This type of paintbrush is called a split-leaf or rhexia-leaf.  It is very common in all mountain meadows from June through August and comes in a variety of colors.  The split-leaf paintbrush is one of several different kinds of paintbrush in Utah.

Peaks Bagged

1.  Grandeur Peak ♦♦ 8299 

2.  Reynolds Peak ♦♦ 9422

******Miles hiked tally     
beginning March 22, 2013


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